Tips & Techniques > Smoking Point of Oils and Fats
Listed below are some of the more common oils and fats and their smoke points.
Smokes Above 400ºF (200°C)
- Corn Oil
- Grapeseed Oil
- Peanut Oil
- Refined Canola Oil
- Refined Olive Oil
- Refined Coconut Oil
- Safflower Oil
- Soybean Oil
- Sunflower Oil
Smokes Around or Below 400ºF (200°C)
- Animal Fats (lard, duck, goose, and chicken)
- Clarified butter
- Semi-Refined Canola Oil
Smokes Below 350ºF (175°C)
- Butter
- Extra-virgin Olive Oil
- Unrefined Canola Oil
- Unrefined Coconut Oil
- Unrefined Corn Oil
- Unrefined Nut Oils
- Unrefined Safflower Oil
- Unrefined Sesame Oil
- Unrefined Sunflower Oil
Note: The smoking point of all oils depends on the type of oil and how it was processed.