Tips & Techniques > Estimated Roasting Times for Vegetables

The following list contains estimated roasting times for common vegetables. Make sure your oven has been preheated to 475°F (230°C) before roasting. Wash, peel if necessary and make sure the vegetables are dry before tossing in oil and seasonings.
snap off tough ends
roast 5 mins – flip – roast 5+ mins or until tender and somewhat shriveled
cut roughly into 1" -inch bite-size pieces
roast 15 mins – flip – roast 10 to 15 mins or until tender
Brussels Sprouts
halve lengthwise
roast 15 mins or until tender – no need to flip
Broccoli Crowns
cut into 1 1/2 to 2" -inch inch florets
roast 8 to 10 mins – flip – roast 3 to 5 mins or until tender
Butternut Squash
cut roughly into 1" -inch inch bite-size pieces
roast 15 mins or until browned on bottom – flip – roast 5 to 10 mins or until tender
cut into 1" -inch inch pieces
roast 12 to 15 mins – flip – roast 3 to 5 mins or until tender
cut into 1 1/2" -inch inch florets
roast 10 mins – flip once brown – roast 10+ mins or until tender
quarter lengthwise, keeping the core intact; cut into ¾ to 1" -inch inch wedges
roast 15 mins – flip – roast 10+ mins or until tender
Green Beans
trim stem end
roast 8 to 10 mins until tender and somewhat shriveled – no need to flip
roast stem-side down until brown on bottom 15 to 20 mins – flip – roast until browned 5 to 10 mins more
roast 10 mins until brown on bottom – flip – roast 5+ mins or until tender
cut roughly into 1" -inch bite-size pieces
roast 10 to 15 mins – flip – roast 5 to 10 mins more or until browned
cut roughly into 1" -inch bite-size pieces
roast 10 to 15 mins or until brown on bottom – flip –roast 5 to 10 mins or until tender
Sweet Potatoes
cut roughly into 1" -inch bite-size pieces
roast 10 mins or until brown on bottom – flip – roast 5 to 10 mins or until tender
cut roughly into 1" -inch bite-size pieces
roast 10 to 15 mins – flip – roast 5 to 7 mins or until tender