Knowledge Base > Fran Costigan - Working With Your Oven

Working With Your Oven

Fran Costigan - Working With Your Oven

This event was on Wednesday, April 26, 2023 at 1:00 pm Pacific, 4:00 pm Eastern

Are you tired of burnt bottoms and soggy centers? Do you feel like your oven is more of a foe than a friend? Well, fear not my friends, because the queen of vegan baking, Fran Costig… Read More.



I can only find whole grain versus whole wheat pasta. I understand that whole grain is also not the better choice. why?

— Linda PARK


Well, actually that's a very interesting question both whole grain. And whole wheat contain all three parts of the grain kernel the brand the endosperm and The Germ so that's a good thing. They're whole. Whole wheat exclusively refers to wheat kernels while whole grain includes other grains. That's why it's called whole grain. So there might be barley corn Rye quinoa the main difference between whole grain. And whole wheat is the type of grain used they are both whole and healthy so you don't have to worry about it. I really think that is something that is confusing to people and it's wonderful Linda that you are looking at labels. We all need to be looking at labels.
Fran Costigan

Fran Costigan

Director of Vegan Pastry