Knowledge Base > Fran Costigan - Working With Your Oven

Working With Your Oven

Fran Costigan - Working With Your Oven

This event was on Wednesday, April 26, 2023 at 1:00 pm Pacific, 4:00 pm Eastern

Are you tired of burnt bottoms and soggy centers? Do you feel like your oven is more of a foe than a friend? Well, fear not my friends, because the queen of vegan baking, Fran Costig… Read More.



My new oven has a steam feature. What are some ways to use this besides steaming veggies?

— Paula Miller


Breads will be great in your with your steam feature. I mean, you know anybody baked bread and throw ice cubes in their oven or remember about putting a pan of Of water in the bottom of the oven. So that's something that should be really terrific. I'd Paula if you can tell us the name of your new oven with this feature. We'd love to know love to know but steaming vegetables. I think you can make some nice bread. Do you see? Fruit desserts. I think that sounds wonderful. Wonderful.
Fran Costigan

Fran Costigan

Director of Vegan Pastry