Knowledge Base > Fran Costigan - Working With Your Oven
Fran Costigan - Working With Your Oven
This event was on
Wednesday, April 26, 2023 at 1:00 pm Pacific, 4:00 pm Eastern
Are you tired of burnt bottoms and soggy centers? Do you feel like your oven is more of a foe than a friend? Well, fear not my friends, because the queen of vegan baking, Fran Costig… Read More.
I baked a banana bread from a pre-mixed package, following directions, using a loaf pan and it sagged in the middle. What could have gone wrong?
— Sylvia Edwards
Oh my gosh, so many things could have gone wrong. It might have been the mix, you know, not every mix that we buy really is good. They have summer better than others. I haven't used a mix in a while. I'm not denigrating anybody who does but I make my own mixes now. It might have been the mix. It might have been your oven. maybe your loaf pan if it's sagged in the middle, it's likely that the batter was too high too much better for the size of your loaf pan, very occasionally or more often when I'm testing recipes. I'll get a bake that looks really nice except for the middle and the middle didn't bake and sag a little oftentimes. You can just let the cake cool cut out the part. That isn't so good. And serve it proudly but that's all I can think of Sylvie. Is that the particular mix was deficient or you didn't measure the liquid ingredients properly or your loaf pan was too small for the amount of batter or your oven wasn't at temperature.