Knowledge Base > Fran Costigan - Working With Your Oven
Fran Costigan - Working With Your Oven
This event was on
Wednesday, April 26, 2023 at 1:00 pm Pacific, 4:00 pm Eastern
Are you tired of burnt bottoms and soggy centers? Do you feel like your oven is more of a foe than a friend? Well, fear not my friends, because the queen of vegan baking, Fran Costig… Read More.
My oven is 20 years old and the door keeps falling off. I'm planning to get a new one. It has to be electric and can be small. I am intrigued with the countertop ovens that have convection, dehydrate, air fry, etc. What should I think about before buying?
— Diann Porter
I couldn't be happier with my Breville countertop convection oven. I think Patrick showed a photo of it earlier. It's just great. You can write to me and I will send you a link to the particular one that I have. I can get to 8 inch cake pans in there. I can get a quarter sheet pan, you know for a sheet cake. I use it mostly for baking it does dehydrate nicely? air fry, you know air fry is just What can I say? It's just convection bake on steroids. It's just a very high convection bake. And what else does it do? It does a ton of stuff, you know, I haven't seen my things in a while so I don't remember but I use it all the time. I really really like it. So, you know, give it a give it a try Diane. They I know there are other brands but I've talked to several people who have this particular one and it's really great.