Knowledge Base > Fran Costigan - Working With Your Oven
Fran Costigan - Working With Your Oven
This event was on
Wednesday, April 26, 2023 at 1:00 pm Pacific, 4:00 pm Eastern
Are you tired of burnt bottoms and soggy centers? Do you feel like your oven is more of a foe than a friend? Well, fear not my friends, because the queen of vegan baking, Fran Costig… Read More.
Would you explain more about guar gum and it's relation WFPB diets. Is it overly processed? Natural?
— Cynthia Dudak
That's a big question and an important one so guar gum. is really from a natural source, but it has been processed. Most of our foods have been processed. Some people cannot tell it gums at all. They cannot tolerate gums at all. And if you are that person you're going know it. From the way you feel it is used. Gwar and xantham Are used in gluten-free baking? Because it helps to bind these non-weed flowers and it's important. I have never heard that it's been promoted in Whole Food plant-based diets. This is this is new news to me. Let's say hopefully Whole Food plant-based diets mean whole foods that are plant-based and oftentimes no oil we sure or very limited amounts of oil and very limited amounts of sugar. I don't I don't. Say that Gwar is a food. We shouldn't be using I do use it and you use it in teeny teeny tiny quantities and you want to keep that in your refrigerator as well and guar and xanthem are pretty much interchangeable. But I don't I have never heard anyone say that it's good for you in a way that some others are good Cynthia. I'd like to know more about that.