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Char Nolan - Ask Me Anything (Office Hours)
This event was on
Tuesday, May 02, 2023 at 11:00 am Pacific, 2:00 pm Eastern
Join Chef Char Nolan in her virtual office as she welcomes all of your questions. This event was created for you and we encourage you to ask anything – from cooking techniques to cou… Read More.
I've decided on a new career path: health coach. Would you be able to suggest other courses I should take?
— Sonia Linkfield
I have two I have three recommendations and again, congratulations because your passion will be your best marketing tool. What you believe in? You know, when I was a school teacher my school had always used to say to me teacher Char teach what you know do what you love and I have kind of made that as more or less a life motto. So I'm not sure which Rouxbe program you are in. I know that many people who take Forks Over Knives go on to working as private chefs go on to do seminars and stuff like that. I do believe that the plant Pro course really helps to situate you for working in a professional kitchen for creating your own website and teaching classes cooking for others, etc. Etc. So I would begin with Making an outline of what it is that you want to do set your goals and objectives go talk to people and oftentimes on this broadcast. I have said that I volunteered a lot in the beginning and this was the one story. I wanted to share about five or six years ago. I donated a an in-home cooking class for four and when when I donate that I always say Whole Food plant-based no oil blah blah and sometimes it scares people away and no one redeems it or sometimes somebody has heart disease and they jump on it. so I don't needed the gift and About five years later. I got a call from the executive director. Her husband had been diagnosed with heart disease and she with cancer and would I be able to come to their home and sort of give them cooking 101 and I set up an appointment with a physician friend of mine. Who does this for a living? and then she got really sick and her husband called me and said can you cook with us for a week? So getting back to say that being a volunteer volunteering at events? Go to your Physician's office who's so proud of you by the way and drop off some Whole Food muffins or some hermit oatmeal cookies or something like that go to a lot of events. Set those goals and objectives for yourself, but I have to say I had a post a couple of weeks ago on the Rouxbe Facebook page that I have 12 classes to teach in eight weeks and I was not feeling overwhelmed feeling like wow. This is really exciting and hard work really pays off, but just follow that passion and so you will feel like a million bucks. Two other things one would be the equal course, which is heavy-duty science based behind. The China Study and it's actually from the electronic courses of Cornell through the tea colon Campbell Institute for plant-based nutrition. And then there is a program from The Institute for Integrative Nutrition years ago. It used to be in New York City. But now of course you can take those courses online. So they would be too recommendations that I would strongly support. I've done e Cornell and of course Rouxbe and I also want to say I like to give a little shout out to the waste not program. The waste not program is a program of the James Beard Foundation through Rouxbe and the course is free and there's a whole other aspect of things to learn not just about plant-based cooking but really how to practice full food utilization which will come in handy to you because you want to be cost effective when you buy your food when you create your food so that your margins are good and you're actually making some money. So just a little shout out to waste not which I really love.