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Dr. Scott Stoll - Ask A Doctor

This event was on Tuesday, June 12, 2018 at 11:00 am Pacific, 2:00 pm Eastern

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If a physcian tells you not to eat fiber due to colon do you eat vegan?

— Kathy Shiflet


Well, it's an it's a good question. And there's a lot of types of colon issues that that may or may not be appropriate for fiber. Some recommendations from Physicians today because people have irritable bowel or Crohn's disease. They would recommend not eating fiber and eventually when those conditions heal. You can't eat a very high fiber diet without any long term implications. In those conditions, sometimes we just have to back up and do smoothies and green juices and barley grass wheatgrass wheatgrass and aloe vera to heal the gut and then slowly bad slowly add in cooked fibers. Before we add in raw fibers and then that gives the gut a chance to heal on the inflammation to go down so that it can tolerate those fibers at a different time. The other aspect is that some people have had boundary sections and they need to be a little bit careful with the amount of fiber that they eat and they should really eat more cooked foods and more smoothies and eat them in smaller amounts more slowly over the course of the day. And so in that case there may need to be some, you know manipulation of the diets organization of the diet around the types of food that you eat and when you eat them So, you know that's I usually recommend in those cases that somebody works with their surgeon because the surgeon understands how much of the bowel was resected to kind of understand how to to modify the diet. However, those are in those cases. I typically will recommend the people consume green vegetable juices lightly sweetened with berries in order to expose their body to more of this phytochemicals to make up for some of the Lost benefit of eating some of the vegetables and fruits that they may miss out on so I hope that gives some general guidance Kathy, but you know, I'm this day and age when surgeons are resecting a lot of bowels and there's lots of surgery for gastric bypass and the problems associated with gastric bypass, you know, those can provide some challenges with dietary recommendations.
Dr. Scott Stoll

Dr. Scott Stoll

Chief Medical Director