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Eric Wynkoop - Ask Me Anything (Office Hours)
This event was on
Tuesday, July 25, 2023 at 11:00 am Pacific, 2:00 pm Eastern
Join Chef Eric Wynkoop in his virtual office as he welcomes all of your questions. This event was created for you and we encourage you to Ask Anything – from cooking techniques to co… Read More.

For cooking with less oil can we still use stainless steel pots or are we forced to use Teflon pans?
You bet if you are cutting back on oil, but using a little bit, uh, then your options are very broad. You can use, uh, you know, any sort of cookware, uh, that comes to mind. And that's gonna be a matter of, of, um, uh, figuring out how to heat the pan. Okay? And it might be a combination of a little bit of oil, maybe a little bit of liquid, um, to loosen up things on the pan if they do happen to get a little, uh, finicky on you. Um, now, if you're gonna go to a no oil, no added oil sort of cooking, as I mentioned a few minutes ago, uh, it'll, um, you know, some things get a little bit, uh, difficult to do, okay? In which case, uh, you might consider, uh, bending the rules a little bit by either using a little bit of oil for certain things, uh, or maybe having that one non-stick pan, uh, in your collection. Now, when it comes to non-stick pans, uh, you know, certainly Teflon, uh, that that company, uh, uh, is still around today, but, uh, you know, receive some, uh, negative feedback in past decades, um, and probably for good reason as far as technology goes today. You know, I don't know exactly how, uh, it stacks up against the technology of the seventies when the, that Teflon, you know, company and, and brand name was, uh, was, was popularized. Um, but, uh, you know, you might do a little comparison to see if, uh, your confidence can be raised, uh, by knowing that today's technology is a little safer than it was, uh, in, in yesteryear. Uh, another idea is to look at some of the other, uh, technologies that are available to us, whether it's a ceramic coated pan of some sort, you know, or something else. Okay? Uh, that might get you, uh, down this path of no oil or low oil cooking, um, with just one of these pans in your collection. Um, but all the while, keeping in mind, right, that, uh, it, it's probably gonna be a disposable item, as I mentioned a few minutes ago. So be prepared to replace it, uh, every few years or so, or as needed. Thank you.