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Dr. Scott Stoll - Ask A Doctor

This event was on Tuesday, June 12, 2018 at 11:00 am Pacific, 2:00 pm Eastern

Bring your best food and nutrition questions for Dr. Scott Stoll as he joins us for an hour of Ask a Doctor! Read More.



Are there any favorable foods that can help with a sluggish (under-performing) thyroid?

— Simone Jaschko


Yes, so a couple of things a moment thyroid. You can have thyroid disease from an overactive immune system where the immune system is actually attacking the thyroid and in that way healing the gut because it's autoimmune condition really focusing on the gut healings. We've talked about a little bit earlier and a whole food plant-based diet removing all animal products, especially things like Dairy it can come back and that I see that many many times with a whole body the system really comes back online. If it is just a little bit of mild hypothyroidism. Recommend the same thing but adding a little bit of iodine back into the diet and it can be done through Nori sheets and sea vegetables or it can be done by just buying a eye dropper full of iodine and taking three to five drops on a daily basis. And so, you know, one of those two can also help to boost that thyroid. I've also found that you know, the other components of Health improve the thyroid condition with activity getting a good night sleep and reducing stress can make a real difference in in boosting the the condition of your thyroid. So hopefully that gives you some guidance but think about you know adding some Nori or sea vegetables or iodine supplement in there as well as really helping to heal the gut and and pursuing a good Whole Food plant-based diet. Some other things that can be helpful, you know spices are very anti-inflammatory. So adding some more spices in there turmeric cinnamon basil cloves, you know, great spices to help reduce inflammation and some raw onion really helps to feed the microbiome. So mushrooms are also great for the microbiome. So there's some things that I would add in as well.
Dr. Scott Stoll

Dr. Scott Stoll

Chief Medical Director