Knowledge Base > Barton Seaver - The Holiday Meal, Part 4: Even More Sides

Barton Seaver - The Holiday Meal, Part 4: Even More Sides
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Tuesday, November 16, 2021 at 11:00 am Pacific, 2:00 pm Eastern
Join Chef Barton Seaver for The Holiday Meal Part 4 to learn tips, tricks, techniques for preparing holiday sides dishes that would be welcome on any table!
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What are some ideas for simple appetizers?
— Holly
Let's see. I made a bunch of notes here that I didn't talk about any of them before and all this. So let me look at this. Yeah, so one of the things that I really love to do oysters are very traditional around Thanksgiving. So we broiled oyster our oyster around the half shell. I know this requires some work, but it broil oyster is fun and easy. You can shuck the oysters well ahead of time put them on paper towels and keep them in your refrigerator just paper towels to keep them sort of steady. So all the juices don't run off. Make a butter ahead of time butter parmesan anchovies parsley, whatever flavors you want to throw in there and just put Pats of butter right on top of the oysters put them in the fridge until you're ready. All you need is a toaster oven with the broiler going. Six minutes under the broiler and you've got hot toasty roasty amazing oysters on the half shell broiled for people that's really kind of a signature fun dish. Another one that I really love is endive those little Belgian endive heads. One of the reasons why I love Belgian, and I've just it has a bitter taste to it. But that's very pleasant. It has a wonderful crunchy texture and it also is perfectly shaped and textured and structured. So it's own little canopy appetizer boat. Right. And so inside the boat of one leaf, so cut off the bottom of it just to sort of release those outer leaves and peel them off. I put in one. Supreme or segment of orange? I put a little dollop of goat cheese and then a very simple vinaigrette like mustard red wine vinegar and olive oil just very simple very straightforward just blend it together in a couple of drops of that on top. So Orange goat cheese and just a little bit of vinaigrette over the top is astoundingly good. It's also very easy. It's pretty it lasts a while and it's it's different, you know, it's kind of unique and So the other thing that I realized to really like to do is smoked Seafood whether or not you're literally just opening a can of smoked mussels going getting a package of smoked mackerel, you know covered in Pepper some pre-sliced smoked salmon, whether it's cold or hot smoked, you know, this nice platter of tastes and textures serve it with crostini is a really nice way to do it. It's sort of self-service. It gets people engaged it gets them into the kitchen. But also keeps them out of your hair and seafood is a really nice sort of flavor contrast to the flavors that are coming later as part of the meal. Typically, which is all Land Based for the most part in most people's traditions. There you go. There's a couple of ideas for you. Wish you well. Oh another one. chicken livers chicken liver, you've got the turkey liver, you know the giblets that come out of there make a chicken liver. Moose it, you know a day ahead you And just keep it in the fridge and there you go. Pull it out. That's a really nice one and keep it in in keeping with the dish. Plus it also allows you to use up the giblets from the turkey. There you go.