Knowledge Base > Deb Kennedy, PhD - Kitchen Magic: Transforming Health

Kitchen Magic: Transforming Health

Deb Kennedy, PhD - Kitchen Magic: Transforming Health

This event was on Wednesday, October 11, 2023 at 2:00 pm Pacific, 2:00 pm Eastern

Join us for a captivating live event featuring Dr. Deb Kennedy, a distinguished expert in the realm of culinary wellness and teaching kitchens.

Dr. Deb’s extensive knowledge and p… Read More.



Can you share why you built the Food Coach Academy, in relation to underprivileged groups?

— Dr K Kimmel


I hope so too. The, it's, it's again gonna take a village in every place that we go. You know, I developed a food coach 'cause I find that that is a very big missing link in the whole solution. You have your public health officers and you've got your people farming and those that are delivering the food and running the food pantry and the hospital and, and the Y M C A was huge and using the Ys as a place to actually do the cooking school, whether that's tasting or learning the skills themselves. Um, yeah, this generation of kids is not expected to live as long as the previous generation, which is why I'm so motivated to motivate so many other people. 'cause it's gonna take a tribe of food coaches and food warriors to turn that around.
Deb Kennedy, PhD

Deb Kennedy, PhD

PhD Nutritionist