Knowledge Base > Deb Kennedy, PhD - Factors that Influence 'What' and 'How Much' We Eat

Deb Kennedy, PhD - Factors that Influence 'What' and 'How Much' We Eat
This event was on
Wednesday, November 08, 2023 at 11:00 am Pacific, 2:00 pm Eastern
Join Deb Kennedy, PhD for a discussion of the “What” and “How Much” we eat.
At first glance it may seem simple: We eat because we are hungry, food tastes good, we can both access … Read More.

What does the science say about whether food and taste preferences continue to evolve over a person's lifetime. How does age/gender/diet (ex: WFPB) play into this?
— Cynthia Ryan
So when you look at getting older, a whole bunch of things happen. Um, and they're not all bad. So what is known is that your sense of smell decreases. So when your sense of smell decreases, what you've learned from taste and flavor is your ability to detect flavor decreases as well. And flavor isn't just about taste, it's also about the MEChA receptors, if you remember. So things that are like minty or chilies that are hot or the texture, uh, relying more on those will help you to enjoy your diet more. Now, I wouldn't say you got anything to fix there, Cynthia, because less sweetss and more fruit. Hmm, that's, that's lovely. So I know from the science that a lot of individuals that are in their senior years lose their appetite as well because food doesn't taste as well. And so if that's happening then I would definitely look into it more and play around more with taste and flavor in the mechanical receptors. And if it's not, then this is something that happens to us as we get older. And as anything in terms of longevity, eating a healthy whole foods based diet and getting exercise and loving yourself and de-stressing is all gonna be part, part of keeping keeping well, I don't like change either.