Knowledge Base > Deb Kennedy, PhD - Factors that Influence 'What' and 'How Much' We Eat

Deb Kennedy, PhD - Factors that Influence 'What' and 'How Much' We Eat
This event was on
Wednesday, November 08, 2023 at 11:00 am Pacific, 2:00 pm Eastern
Join Deb Kennedy, PhD for a discussion of the “What” and “How Much” we eat.
At first glance it may seem simple: We eat because we are hungry, food tastes good, we can both access … Read More.

Say someone is eating large meals and then grazing all day long; some foods healthy and some not. Could this be a case of someone not eating enough fiber?
— Gloria Richthammer-Record
If you were to ask me, which you are, my, the pinging in my head goes, that person is under so much stress and they've lost their connection with food and they're eating to shove stress and emotions and all of that and grazing all day long. And that I start, I start really simply with asking an individual to take three breaths before they actually eat something. And then if they can do that, which sounds simple, but it's not for someone who is avoiding, um, it is then asking them to sit down to eat. Now once, once you are there and they still are eating more than their body needs, um, then that's a time to really get to the bottom of it. And maybe having a conversation with what is eating them. Uh, not eating enough fiber that can cause someone to be hungrier in between meals and at meals. You eat more and you eat more frequently. But, uh, people that are grazing all day long and eating large meals, they're not listening to their, to their gut, um, their gut that is saying, I'm full. I'm almost full. They're eating until their gut says, I am so full, I hurt.