Knowledge Base > Eric Wynkoop - Open Office Hours

Eric Wynkoop - Open Office Hours
This event was on
Tuesday, November 23, 2021 at 11:00 am Pacific, 2:00 pm Eastern
Join Chef Eric Wynkoop in his virtual office as he welcomes all of your questions. This event was created for you and we encourage you to ask anything – from cooking techniques to co… Read More.

When measuring, are there specific Cups and Spoons to use. I have 3 sets of measuring cups (glass, melamine, and stainless and two sets of measuring spoons. One set of spoons are from England and are much larger than the spoons I use?
— Marchael Johnson
in so our recipes in our courses. are For Better or For Worse at presents they are largely based on us measures and cups and spoons. Largely speaking. Okay. There is a slow transition in place here, but don't hold your breath is going to take a while but back to your question here. So, please first of all use, you know to start with if you can those us equivalents cups and and spoons. And you know when it comes to measuring cups, there are two types. If you are measuring dry ingredients, especially for baking although ideally you'd be using a scale. But if you are using a cup then the ideal cup is going to have The the measure go all the way to the top of the cup so that you can fill it up and then scrape the top of the cup in order to get a nice level measure of flower. For example. Okay. Now if you're measuring liquid then typically we're using a cup that that might have the measure somewhere below that top edge of that vessel so that we can fill it up with a liquid to one cup for example, and then we can move that in pour it, you know as we need to without spilling it and so that's the difference between the two types of Cups. But otherwise whatever you have is going to be fine I've seen and I've used many types of spoons and cups made of ceramic and stone and wood. And so on and so forth and they all work just fine. Okay, I mean in the end, I'll take this a little bit beyond, you know, the US cups and spoons. Once you make a recipe a couple of times and you come to understand what it's doing. You're gonna have the knowledge to make adjustments as you desire. and make adjustments to the equipment that you have that utensils that you have and the desired outcomes that you What so you you know, you might choose to use measuring, you know vessels that are entirely different that could just be some container that you picked up that looks really nice aesthetically and you decide to use it to measure your liquids in your your flour and you can make the recipe work with your experience. But again, that's where once again practicing and developing your knowledge and your skill set will take you to the Finish Line. Okay, so enjoy the journey and have some fun along the way. All right. Thank you.