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Dan Marek - Ask Me Anything (Office Hours)
This event was on
Tuesday, January 18, 2022 at 11:00 am Pacific, 2:00 pm Eastern
Join Chef Dan Marek in his virtual office as he welcomes all of your questions. This event was created for you and we encourage you to Ask Anything – from cooking techniques to cours… Read More.

Could you recommend some websites or books that are based on knowledge and skills to cuisines from around the world?
— Louis Rodriguez
Yeah, that's wow. There's a lot of those lists. So, um, there are going to be quite a few that you could definitely reference to just off the top of my head thinking of a couple that I really do. Like there's a new one out called the Korean vegan. What's I'll put some links up here for you too. But this is a it's from Jonah Lee. I can't remember her last name and I get some lerno, um, which is one of those ones that I really like as well afro vegan is another one that I've had for a number of years, which is quite good and that's not so much focused on African but a little more Caribbean style and you know kind of following the African cuisine as a come to the United States, so it's a little bit of southern cooking cooking a little bit of Caribbean cooking in there as well too super great one as well. And then there's vegan riches Indian cooking which is a wonderful one to I've been doing Indian cooking for Long time and spend some time in India doing a lot of cooking with that and just for my order paging through some of that as well too had some really great examples of some World flavors. We also in our our new plant-based professional class and the Plants Plus Class have an entire new section just kind of breaking down World Cuisine and how to kind of look at those and research those a little bit on your own as well. So if you haven't signed up for either those classes those are great ways to be able to explore World Cuisine by showing you a couple very specific Regional examples. So like in Mexico, I think we focus on Oaxaca and Oaxaca recipes, which is great because you'll still learn to do like tortillas and you know other things like that, but it's focuses on just one kind of a region and then really tempts you to explore other regions of the country or region that we talk about so like Africa is we, you know again kind of one area of Africa, but then also give some Temptations Other areas. So like our Joe off rice is a very Regional Cuisine and is very different depending on what part of the continent you're in and what country you're in. So I'm switching that up a little bit is great. So doing a little bit of research always helps with those with these three books are a great place to start. And then if you haven't signed up for the plant Plus or the pro professional plant-based professional course, those are great resources for those as well.