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Ask Me Anything (Office Hours)

Dan Marek - Ask Me Anything (Office Hours)

This event was on Tuesday, December 05, 2023 at 11:00 am Pacific, 2:00 pm Eastern

Join Chef Dan Marek in his virtual office as he welcomes all of your questions. This event was created for you and we encourage you to Ask Anything – from cooking techniques to cours… Read More.



Do you have suggestions on flavouring to add to boiling pasta?

— William Brown


So I'm a big proponent of salting your water when you're boiling pasta, right? So, um, a lot of people don't do that enough to be able to put that in there. And they always say to try to make your water kind of taste like salt water. Um, when you're boiling pasta, that adds a lot of flavor to the pasta dish on its own. So, um, that, you know, that being said, though, you're adding sodium to your pasta. Now, if you're looking to add other flavors to that, say, um, you know, you can add the flavors to the veggies and the sauce of course, but you can also, um, you know, kind of par boil your pasta and then finish it off cooking in the, the sauce if you really wanna absorb that as well. But I think really the most common thing is to salt your water, um, and then get the flavor out of it that way, and then toss the sauce, um, you know, over the pasta. But, uh, there are a lot of people that do like to kind of par boil the pasta, get it so it's very aldente, and then finish cooking it in the pasta. I don't typically do that, but I do know some people that like to do that just to absorb a lot of the sauce into the pasta itself. Um, but I think that just salting the water for your pasta is probably the best bet.
Dan Marek

Dan Marek

Director of Plant-Based Culinary & Dev