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Dan Marek - Ask Me Anything (Office Hours)
This event was on
Tuesday, January 18, 2022 at 11:00 am Pacific, 2:00 pm Eastern
Join Chef Dan Marek in his virtual office as he welcomes all of your questions. This event was created for you and we encourage you to Ask Anything – from cooking techniques to cours… Read More.

What advice can you give for cooking for a low fodmap plant-based diet?
— Noelle Weidman
So I don't know a ton about low food map except for I know that I've got a couple people that I know have been doing them because of IBS issues and that's kind of a big thing. So that really tends to to tell me to steer towards a doctor for any advice for this because being a chef I can tell you how to combine ingredients but you know A love food map is actually very specific. So I know that it you know, you can't eat things like garlic and onions a lot of time any dairy which was fine for the you know, the vegans out there, but you know anything garlic is kind of a big one as well, too other things like mushrooms any kind of you know, sugars or high fructose, you know, like not high fructose syrup, but fruit does containing foods, you know, like a lot of fruits are typically off the list, you know, but that still leaves a lot of great things that are on there you can still do whole grains and brown rice and oats and quinoa and stuff like that. Tons of different vegetables so like peppers and radish and you know different Greens on that as well cucumbers spinach nuts or sometimes a little finicky. So again, that's kind of a doctor thing as well, you know, and the oils typically are allowed in that as well too. But and then spices right so different condiments like human and coriander and cardamon, you know, a lot of chilies depending on which ones Ginger which is a good one for adding flavor. So, um, you know, it's kind of, you know playing around a little bit. I always tell people like you should always play with your food if your parents told you not to play with your food. Don't listen to him. Now. You're allowed to do it. And the food map is kind of a great example of that, you know, so always consult with your doctor. But again looking at the ingredients that you can use as opposed to the ingredients, you can't use as a wonderful way to be able to learn cooking in a different way, especially for a very specialized diet. So kind of looking at some of the ingredients that you can have and different ways to be able to make them really flavorful and enjoyable as really the market you want to look for. So taking different things like the you know, the carrots and celery and still doing like your Trinity, but without the onions and maybe cooking those down and cooking it with a little bit of eggplant and kale and then seasoning it with fun things like the coriander or paprika or just a touch of cinnamon into it, you know can add some really depth of flavor to some dishes. So I know there's a lot of different websites that have specific recipes for that. So I'm gonna probably tell you to probably Google something on those and find one of the Personalities that you like on that because that's something you definitely want to consult with your doctor first and then look for the recipes to be able to see how far down into it is and what what items they say you can't specifically eat because different people can eat different things. So, um, I don't want to go too far far down on that. But I hope that helps a little bit, you know, the biggest part of if you're looking to take or like elimination diets is to look for the things that you can have and look for the biggest flavor. You can get out of them, you know, traditionally the hurdle with that one has been the onions and garlic not being able to put in that but you know having so many different spices at your fingertips is wonderful. So definitely dive into those spices to be able to see or work for you. There's also a great book effective copy behind me here the vegetarian food Bible is a wonderful thing to be able to see how different ingredients will pair up together. So that might be a great way to be able to help explore. I've long called it one of my favorite cookbooks because it's actually not a cookbook but it shows you how to pair things. So it'll tell you if you have an eggplant what different spices or different ingredients will actually pair really well with it. So that's might be something you want to look at and in your future. So thanks for that question.