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Dan Marek - Ask Me Anything (Office Hours)
This event was on
Tuesday, January 18, 2022 at 11:00 am Pacific, 2:00 pm Eastern
Join Chef Dan Marek in his virtual office as he welcomes all of your questions. This event was created for you and we encourage you to Ask Anything – from cooking techniques to cours… Read More.

How do I store vegetables? Process them? What do I do with the greens to preserve them?
— Lori Crawley
Okay. So Lori that's kind of depends on what you're doing again. But I I'm gonna refer you back to my technique of doing some batch cooking for this. I think it's a great technique that I still use all the time. And that is what I do is when I get home from the grocery store, I put everything away in the freezer and put everything away in the pantry, but then I get a cutting board and my vegetables out and I start cutting them up on my cutting board and putting them into sealable containers and I can put them into the refrigerator. So I will go in and cut up all my Peppers. I'll cut up my onions sometimes onions can be a little potent. So I might leave the onions till the end sometimes but otherwise, I'm gonna cut everything else up. I might even do my tofu and press My Tofu or marinate it and just put it in the fridge so that way when I get home from work or am ready to, you know, ready to work and cook for the family. I can basically just open up my fridge and say what country do you want to go to right so I can just pick out the ingredients and then think of a flavor flavor profile to take all the ingredients and make something wonderful out of those so I might make you know at the beginning of the week. I typically do this on Sundays when I do my grocery shopping, I will, you know make a big batch of rice. I'll make a big pot of beans. Little cut up all kinds of different vegetables and different protein sources or tempeh to be able to start either marinating or just make sure that I've done most of the work before I actually set to you know on the weekdays to be able to set up to to lunch or dinner which saves a significant amount of time you do spend about an hour sometimes two on that Sunday prepping everything but you'll find that it's so much better to have your Mason plus ready when you are so like I'd mentioned earlier when you go into a restaurant they have something called a line and in front of that line is basically all the ingredients they have for every single recipe they have on their menu and they can pick and choose all the things to be able to make them in less than 10 minutes and you can do the same thing at home. I do encourage you to if you just go to the live the live sessions on these you can search my name and find one on batch cooking and I go through pretty extensively showing you how I do it. I typically do recipes ahead of time. So my wife and I will sit down and go through recipes and say, okay, what do we want for dinner is what could be left? Referral lunch the next day or you know, what's gonna be kid friendly, you know because we typically try to have them eat kind of the same things that we are but sometimes that doesn't work with kids. I'm sure a lot of you know, so, um, you know kind of playing around with that is a really good idea but doing all that prep ahead of time super great way to be able to you know process all the vegetables and make sure it's easier for you to for the greens preserving them. That's depending on the green, you know, I typically put them in the crisper and keep them kind of as they are from, you know, the farmers market in the grocery store and try to keep them, you know kind of in that that crisper to keep them as good as long as possible. For things like greens like herbs, you know treat them like flowers. So if you have cilantro or parsley when you get them home. Cut off the bottoms. Of the the stems and then put them into a glass of water and then take that little produce bag that you got them in and put them over the top and keep in your fridge. I guarantee they're gonna last at least a week like that. If you need to use them beforehand, or if you wash them already just make sure you put them in a damp paper towel beforehand, but I typically will keep them in the vase or the glass of water until the moment. I actually need them and then we'll cut them up and wash them as I need them. Put them back in the fridge, you know, the dry ones back and almost take out what I need to wash and cut up. So I hope that helps.