Knowledge Base > Deb Kennedy, PhD - Culinary Strategies to Nourish Yourself During the Holiday Season

Culinary Strategies to Nourish Yourself During the Holiday Season

Deb Kennedy, PhD - Culinary Strategies to Nourish Yourself During the Holiday Season

This event was on Wednesday, December 13, 2023 at 11:00 am Pacific, 2:00 pm Eastern

In this busiest of seasons, many of us dive into the holidays headfirst and end up coming up on the other side exhausted, bloated and wanting to lose weight. Learn how you can take c… Read More.



Can you share any recipes for a healthy dip for raw veggies?

— Marlyn Kasten


Healthy dip for raw veggies. Yes. And it's one I actually saw in Rouxbe. So it's the cashew cream cheese that you all make. Um, so when I am building a dip, so again, we're going into the building concept. So you're gonna start with the base, whether that's you can make raw ca cashew cream, the recipe's on Rouxbe or whether you're gonna have, uh, Kos has a vegetable, um, based cream cheese or sour cream. Or you're gonna use something that is, if you don't have a problem with dairy, you use the dairy product. So that's your base. Everything you add into that, you need to think to yourself, how can I make it more flavorful? And I do this with everything I cook. So for instance, if I was to add some chopped up onion into my dip, I'm gonna caramelize those freaking onions first and then I'm gonna add 'em to the dip. 'cause they're gonna blow up the flavor in the dip, right? So I'm gonna caramelize those onions. So I'm gonna make them more, I'm have more robust flavor, the spices that's just gonna pour the spices in. I'm gonna toast them or bloom them dry on the stove to bring out the flavor of those herbs and create this Roma full flavorful experience with those herbs. And you can add whatever you choose to add. So spices are always in there. You've got your vegetables in there, you know, if it's you know, spinach, you wanna make the spinach maybe a little more savory, maybe add some spices to it, a little bit of soy sauce, something that's gonna bring out that flavor. Um, so it's making sure whatever you add in you up it a level in the flavor. So do I have a specific recipe? I don't. And that's just how I, I work and that's how I'm training food coaches to work. Because when you go into someone's house, they might not have everything for the ingredients, but you know that you need your vegetables, your base, your herbs, and then you're gonna create something together.
Deb Kennedy, PhD

Deb Kennedy, PhD

PhD Nutritionist