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Dan Marek - Ask Me Anything (Office Hours)
This event was on
Tuesday, January 18, 2022 at 11:00 am Pacific, 2:00 pm Eastern
Join Chef Dan Marek in his virtual office as he welcomes all of your questions. This event was created for you and we encourage you to Ask Anything – from cooking techniques to cours… Read More.

What foods (specifically fruit and produce) do not need to be refrigerated, e.g., potatoes, avocados, etc.?
— Aundrea Salyer
So working in the grocery industry for as long as I did 15 years one of the things I got this question all the time and one of the best answers I can give you is look at how they're storing it in the grocery store, right so you can see things like, you know apples or potatoes or lemons and limes, you know, all those things are not refrigerated when they're in the store. They're typically piled up and areas, but then the things that need to be refrigerated like you're greens or you know, fresh juices and things like that, you'll see all those in refrigerated shows, right? So they typically will also have water sprayers kind of at the top of their greens, but you'll see any of those items that typically are in those refrigerated units even along the wall are things you want to keep on the refrigerator the things that you don't are typically stored kind of in the middle of the produce section, like you're tomatoes and potatoes all those different things that you'll see piled up in the middle. Now that being said some of these need to be refrigerated after you cut into them. Right? So, you know, like a tomato. I typically would not store a tomato in the refrigerator, but after cutting it open, I would put it in the refrigerator after the fact now a lot of people would say that the Tomato will lose them. It's flavor once you put it in the refrigerator, which is true. So I'll typically if I'm going to use that same tomato that's been in the refrigerator. I'll bring it out of the refrigerator, let it come down to room temperature and then let it serve and it just has a different flavor profile. And you do that. I can't say the exact science around that but the easy answer to which one should be in which should be refrigerated which should not is pay attention to how they're selling it to you. It's grocery store. If it is something that is needs to be refrigerated. It's typically being refrigerated at the grocery store. Even if it looks open it's still in a refrigerated case that has the cold air coming up from the bottom blowing up on the produce.