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Dan Marek - Ask Me Anything (Office Hours)
This event was on
Tuesday, January 18, 2022 at 11:00 am Pacific, 2:00 pm Eastern
Join Chef Dan Marek in his virtual office as he welcomes all of your questions. This event was created for you and we encourage you to Ask Anything – from cooking techniques to cours… Read More.

What are best ways to plan for the week? Any suggestions for a beginner?
— Ramya Velu
I love that. You asked this question. I do this every week with my wife and I will just basically get out of my phone with a shared Note with my wife and I have a huge list of different recipes that we both like and we like to enjoy and they're not overly complicated. Right so I'm not gonna put like Juliet's Satan borgignon on this right but I would put something like, you know like a taco night or I don't know like a tofu Satay with a peanut sauce or you know a maxi bowl or something like that. Right? So I'll make this list out. We have probably a hundred different recipes and then we go through together and we click. Okay, what kind of sounds like it'd be good this week. And then also what can we do to make it kid friendly too because I have two little toddlers so looking for alterations of those recipes or if the recipe works great, that's fine. But we'll pick those along. We'll typically start with our dinners then also do lunches as well to be able to. See what leftovers we might be able to use for certain things or if it's a something completely different we have to do for a lunch as well. So making up that huge list and then picking out the individuals by the day. It's probably the best recommendation. I can give to you one of the things you might also want to Spotlight is what ingredients can be used over and over right? So if you're building out your refrigerator, like I talked about making like a line in your refrigerator and you have a chopped up pepper while you might only use a half a pepper in one recipe. So then you have half a pepper left over. What can you do with that? So looking at recipes that have common ingredients might help a little bit but different flavor profiles. So that pepper might be used in our taco salad one day, but it might also be used in the eggplant, you know, the garlic Chinese eggplant the next day, right? So, um kind of looking at ways to be able to combine those different things a great ways to be able to keep easy on the pocketbook as well. But making out a list and keeping it simple. You know, I we have a list of like over 100 things but you know, I've done this for a long time and I know a lot of different recipes so start with a list of things are comfortable for you so start Just 10 recipes that you know that are pretty easy for you to be able to execute and then start planning around those and then adding different recipes on a weekly basis. It might not be adding 10 recipes. It might just add one or two, but then you can diversify what you want to be able to make each week and you'll find that there are certain recipes you just love and you make every single week but maybe after two months of having that like every Thursday you'll be sick of it and you try to go with something else as well. So that's probably the best advice I can say for planning for the week. The other one would be looking at the batch cooking live demo that I did is probably a good place to start with this too. I hope that helps right.