Knowledge Base > Fran Costigan - Setting Up Your Baking Kitchen For Success

Setting Up Your Baking Kitchen For Success

Fran Costigan - Setting Up Your Baking Kitchen For Success

This event was on Tuesday, January 16, 2024 at 1:00 pm Pacific, 4:00 pm Eastern

Setting up your kitchen for dessert-making success involves considering several factors, including the balance between essential tools and nice-to-have items, along with implementing… Read More.



Can you explain your idea of "Mise en place your life"?

— Cynthia Dudak


At Rouxbe across all of our courses, mes on plus is something that we really talk about a lot. And believe me, what it means is having everything ready before you get started. So maybe your chocolate has to be chopped, your nuts have to be roasted and cooled. All your ingredients are laid out. You know, if you're making a pot of beans, your beans are soaking perhaps. But you can, you can play a little bit with savory food. If you are making a batter based dessert and you realize when you've mixed your batter that you don't have any baking powder or baking soda, that cake is going to be a very sad cake. So I take this concept of preparation into my life and did an event called Mis Plaster Life, which as you heard, Cynthia watched, everybody here is registered with Rouxbe now. And you can go into our really great library of live events with all of our instructors and get lots of information and many of the live events. Oh, I see Patrick, thank you Patrick. Put the link into that particular one. Many of them are podcasts now too, so you can listen to them.


Fran Costigan

Fran Costigan

Director of Vegan Pastry