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Dan Marek - Ask Me Anything (Office Hours)
This event was on
Tuesday, January 18, 2022 at 11:00 am Pacific, 2:00 pm Eastern
Join Chef Dan Marek in his virtual office as he welcomes all of your questions. This event was created for you and we encourage you to Ask Anything – from cooking techniques to cours… Read More.

Do you buy food portioned towards one dish or try to plan for multiple dishes with the same ingredients?
— Alex Moellering
That again kind of depends, but I will typically if I'm gonna buy something I want to be able to know how I'm going to use the entire thing. So, You know, of course Staples are a little bit different. But if I'm buying something like eggplant is a great example, like I'm doing like a kind of a Moroccan style eggplant this week and I'd probably would have bought one and a half eggplant if I could have but you can't really buy a half an eggplant. So, you know started thinking of things I could do with the rest of that. Literally the second I bought it. What I ended up doing was just doing a little saute on it and putting some herbs over the top of it and serving it with tofu for kind of a snack meal for the kids. and worked out well, so You know, I typically am going to have a plan for multiple dishes with the same ingredients that I'm getting them. But you can also increase and decrease, you know, your ingredients for something like that like an eggplant that's a little bit harder for things that you can use in multiple things like an onion, you know, you're gonna use that in a lot of different things and that's what you're considering in your Staples. So again kind of picking and choosing how you want to do that. You're gonna have a little egg little less eggplant that your recipe calls for or if you have too much of it. What can you think of to be able to make that happen and you'll find me sometimes in a grocery store Googling things to be like, okay. What can I do with the rest of this dish and it's usually with a little bit more exotic, you know ingredients but eggplant is probably a good example of that. Like, how do you start planning out to do with the rest of the dish unless I can make the dish a little bit bigger and it stores or works well for leftovers.