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Dan Marek - Ask Me Anything (Office Hours)
This event was on
Tuesday, January 18, 2022 at 11:00 am Pacific, 2:00 pm Eastern
Join Chef Dan Marek in his virtual office as he welcomes all of your questions. This event was created for you and we encourage you to Ask Anything – from cooking techniques to cours… Read More.

Can risotto and pilaf be made without oil? If so do you have any tips?
— MaryEllen Bunce
Yeah, of course, it could be made without oil. Um, you know, they're very few things in the plant-based world that cannot be made without oil but risotto and peel off are absolutely one of those things that can be now you're concern being is toasting the rice is very valid because a lot of people are worried about over toasting the rice without the oil but think of it like if you're toasting a dried spice like a lot of times I'll toast spices for Indian mixes or Indian food that I'll do and I won't use the oil in particular. What I'll do is I'll put it on a lower heat and then you have to watch it consistently and then keep tossing that pan, you know, so as you're moving your pan back and forth you want to do the same thing with your rice so big part of this is not overcrowding the rice that's in the pain and it might not be the same pan that you actually cook the risotto or the peel off in. What you're basically doing is making sure that you're just toasting me outside of that getting a little bit of a different flavor profile on that to be able to start with. So if you start just by toasting out that rice in there and keeping a super duper close eye because it will burn if you let it go too far that's happened to me before as well too. So just keep an eye on it and you'll be able to smell the nuttiness that comes off of the rice from that and once that happens generally you'll be right into the right spot at that point. I'd probably be ready to be able to cook it to be able to like put veg stock on to it as well. So sometimes I will do it in a different container, right so I might do I might saute my onions and some other mixes and to the pot that I'm going to cook the rice in eventually, but then I'll use a saw tape and to be able to just you know, give that toasting of the rice and then dump the saute pan into the pot and then add my stock and then you get that risotto arm from adding a little bit of you know. A little bit of stock as you go. So I hope that helps but that's that's why I do it all the time. I make risotto and peel off without oil constantly. It's a becomes second nature a little bit after you do it. But again just keep a very close eye on how much you're cooking your toasting that rice.