Knowledge Base > Eric Wynkoop - Open Office Hours

Eric Wynkoop - Open Office Hours
This event was on
Tuesday, May 10, 2022 at 11:00 am Pacific, 2:00 pm Eastern
Join Chef Eric Wynkoop in his virtual office as he welcomes all of your questions. This event was created for you and we encourage you to ask anything – from cooking techniques to co… Read More.

I have made a batch of tamarind paste for a particular recipe & I’m wondering if you have any ideas for other uses of the paste?
— Mary Jo Dolan
So let's think about what Tamarind Paste lends to a dish or in other words. It's function in a recipe a Tamarind paste commonly is used as a souring agent. So, you know much as we might use lemon juice or lime juice or something else. That's sour Tamarind is used as a souring agent and just like other souring agents. It's going to be a company by a certain set of flavors. And in this case, there's a fruity sort of an earthy flavor profile. He's asked the way I think about it. And so think about you know any preparations that will first of all benefit from a sourness and element of sour taste, which is most cooking right? It could be a soup or a stew or a rice dish. for example, and also think about a a kind of an overall flavor profile where you know, you wouldn't mind that added fruitiness. And I think it's very versatile. At least in the type of cooking that I do. In fact just this past weekend. I had a Biryani which is an Indian rice preparation that had Tamron added as the acidulant or as the souring agent and I I thought that was a wonderful way to use the the pulpey, you know, whole Tamarind products. So anyway, you know, think about some of those Outlets. It could be a tomato sauce that might be a company, you know, then with a pasta right or as I mentioned soups and stews or rice dishes. And so that opens up a whole world of possibilities, and so give it a try and see what suits your palate. Thank you.