Knowledge Base > Eric Wynkoop - Open Office Hours

Eric Wynkoop - Open Office Hours
This event was on
Tuesday, July 12, 2022 at 11:00 am Pacific, 2:00 pm Eastern
Join Chef Eric Wynkoop in his virtual office as he welcomes all of your questions. This event was created for you and we encourage you to ask anything – from cooking techniques to co… Read More.

Its watermelon season where I live. What are your favorite ways of using this melon?
— Tara Potash
Two ways immediately
come to mind and one is just slicing those
wonderful things. And of course
enjoying them as is and in fact
that was part of my breakfast this morning. I had
about three slices of watermelon.
And then the other thing
that comes to mind is juice and you know,
if you've got a nice watermelon in your hands, you know
with all that Aroma and flavor and sweetness then
put that in the blender.
And you know oftentimes to
chill the watermelon will sort
of bring out some of those good qualities.
So consider the temperature and then also a
as a
squeeze of acidity, right? Well also act
as a seasoning to bring out
some of those natural qualities those characteristics and
people like a little touch of salt as well, which is fine. You know,
I like a squeeze of lime juice
in with my watermelon juice and
and that's it. And so it did those two things are tops
on my list. I mean, otherwise, you
know incorporate large cubes
Watermelon in a salad and they
go really well with salty components and
so it could be a salty nuts. It could
be something like Feta cheese, you know
or olives and then it
brings in that that hit of sweetness a
lot of moisture. And of course, they look
beautiful not just red. But those other colors of
watermelon that you might stumble upon I know
on a rare occasion these days I might
Grill watermelon, you know, just to add some
interest to the the platter, you
know, the the larger offering at the table and so,
you know, you
can develop some interesting complexity with the caramelized
sugars on the surface and
also the Smoky flavor that
can be added to the watermelon. All right.
Let's see. Yeah, you know, those are a few things that come to mind
and but but you know, otherwise, I think
that during this time of the year.
At almost any meal period to put
out a plate of sliced or
you know in what you know,
we'll do here is cut out these.
I'll say wedges. Well the wedges
I guess but okay get your watermelon
cut it in half put the cut side down and then
you know, you can just cut slices
this way and then cut them again this way so
you end up with these long pieces of watermelon
the little handle at the end and just to put
out a plate of those at every meal I
think is really nice then to allow the
diners to bring in
a bite of sweet watermelon with
its juiciness and it's particular Aroma with a
salty something
at the table or a more dense something
or a more dry something at
the table. So the watermelon acts as this beautiful balancing
component across so
many different meals just on its own.