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Eric Wynkoop - Ask Me Anything (Office Hours)
This event was on
Tuesday, May 28, 2024 at 11:00 am Pacific, 2:00 pm Eastern
Join Chef Eric Wynkoop in his virtual office as he welcomes all of your questions. This event was created for you and we encourage you to Ask Anything – from cooking techniques to co… Read More.

How long can a dressing keep when stored in the fridge (i.e. the dijon vinaigrette)?
— Diane Kirschner
So, uh, you know, uh, kind of like the earlier question, uh, that was asked, uh, around, uh, the storage of, of Masa, um, you know, there are some variables, um, when it comes to things that are more perishable than, let's say, a dry item like Masa Arena, you know, like a dressing or some other leftover food. My starting point is about a week, okay? And, um, you know, if your temperature is set, uh, of your fridge is set appropriately, you know, in the, um, you know, say upper thirties, uh, degrees Fahrenheit, um, you're certainly gonna get a weak, um, uh, or so out of the leftover food item. Now, some things that are higher in oil, higher in sugar, higher in acidity, um, you know, these are all natural preservatives. Um, and so it can extend the shelf life in the refrigerator for your dressings. Um, but, uh, sometimes we have other ingredients that are themselves still perishable, and, uh, textures can decline flavors and aromas can shift, um, even though the item may not make you sick, um, you know, which is often our first concern, right? Is that, uh, whole discussion on foodborne illness, and maybe I'll get to that in just a moment here. But back to, uh, the food usually, um, what we experience is, uh, a change in texture, aroma, you know, taste and flavor qualities, um, uh, that become a, a, a, a personal sort of an equation, right? As to whether or not we want, uh, to eat that item, whether we still enjoy the item, um, after it's shifted, you know, some degree, um, again, it may be considered, um, good as in not spoiled, but, um, you know, just, uh, how edible it is is gonna be up to your own aesthetics.