Knowledge Base > Deb Kennedy, PhD - Culinary Medicine: A Focus on Fruit

Culinary Medicine: A Focus on Fruit

Deb Kennedy, PhD - Culinary Medicine: A Focus on Fruit

This event was on Thursday, June 20, 2024 at 11:00 am Pacific, 2:00 pm Eastern

Join Dr. Deb for this engaging session where she takes fruit from the clinic to your plate. She delves into the heart of culinary medicine, focusing on the vital role fruits play in … Read More.



Is it necessary to clean organic fruit and, if so, what cleaning products due you recommend?

— Tracy Smith


I just use water and a scrubber. I just use this little scrub brush and some water. I don't go for any of the soaps. Some people use, um, vinegar, white vinegar, um, which you could use. Um, but I tend to always just wash it with water.
Deb Kennedy, PhD

Deb Kennedy, PhD

PhD Nutritionist