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Char Nolan - Ask Me Anything (Office Hours)
This event was on
Tuesday, June 25, 2024 at 11:00 am Pacific, 2:00 pm Eastern
Join Chef Char Nolan in her virtual office as she welcomes all of your questions. This event was created for you and we encourage you to ask anything – from cooking techniques to cou… Read More.

What is the best way to make tofu? Especially for picky teenagers?
— Mary ReinosoZegarra
I'll share this story with you because when I was a Rouxbe student, the assignment that intimidated me the most was the baked tofu assignment because I never ate tofu. I, if I went out to an Asian restaurant with my friends, I would only eat the vegetables and a tofu soup or I just would never eat it. And the recipe that we offer, uh, has a beautiful, beautiful marinade. Um, and when you're marinated and then you roast it and it comes out perfectly. So I didn't know if the people in, uh, in the picky eater, uh, situation of your query were adults or they were children or whatever. But I took that recipe and I hope you can see this, and I cut the tofu into little shapes. So if you have little children, uh, it might be a fun thing for them to cut the tofu. And so this way they're somewhat engaged in the assignment and there's some fruit and there's some vegetables and they've got little sticks and they can, you know, certainly pick out whatever they want. Now I will say I often work with children, and this is something that I will make with children, but you have to be very careful with these little skewers because they can become, um, uh, poking elements for some of the children. So you just use a basic cookie cutter and there you have it, and you can have a lot of variety with that. But the Rouxbe recipe for baked tofu is the best recipe I have ever made in my life. And it is tried and true by the way I cooked these in the air fryer and I cooked them for the same amount of time at the same degree of heat that's recommended in the assignment, and they came out exactly the same. So, um, that is a great question and let me know, um, uh, what you end up doing. Uh, I'm also not a person who, um, will make, uh, I don't know, a, a fake meat out of tofu. To me, it's just a basic ingredient and, um, its recognition comes from its simplicity and how nutrient dense it also is. So let me know how the picky eaters in your world, uh, end up liking what it is that you make.