Knowledge Base > Plant-Based Pro - Map of Cooking & Knife Skills


How often should a knife be sharpened?

— Christopher Rice


How well your your knife is maintained in the first place and it's really really individual when I was a working Chef in a kitchen doing high volume high production work. I would have to steal my knife multiple times a day and sharpen it multiple times a week. Most most home cooks are probably okay sharpening their knife actually sharpening their knife on a stone way less than that, especially if they have multiple knives that they're using. So once your knife is good and sharp, you should be able to use it for days or even weeks with just honing. If you're otherwise treating it well and not banging it around in the case of cooking plant-based. It tends to be easier on knives than cooking, you know with lots of sort of animal products and things because you don't have you know, all those hard tissues and bones and so on to go through the hardest thing you're dealing with is, you know, butternut squash and some some fibers kale stems and things so tends to be easier on blades anyway, Just as sort of a side.