Knowledge Base > Plant-Based Pro - Map of Cooking & Knife Skills


I think I have the technique of sharpening my knife down, but I'm very slow and safe. Can you comment about learning speed?

— Matthew Spewak


All right. Yeah, that's a that's a good question there. Yeah, so so in terms of technique and speed I think that I mean it really comes down to practice, you know, there's not a set. There's not a set speed that is designated to x amount of practice. It depends on the individual some people pick up knife skills very quickly others. It takes a little while. So I just recommend I mean as long as you're safe and you practice it you will start to speed up. So there's not really sorry to talk around that question, but there's not really a set amount of time that it takes to to get a little speedier with the knife. It just takes practice just like everything some people are much more comfortable with knives opposed to others where it might take them a lot longer. So as I mentioned As I mentioned with that little story I worked at this this Retreat Center restaurant. And and for for many weeks I would go in early and I would just practice practice in terms of in terms of chopping. So and really doesn't matter. I didn't matter how slow I was going technique was there you started to pick up speed. It's just like anything right? So so just get in there and practice as much as you can what we what we have in other courses is an activity to cut 10 feet of celery and I recommend doing that whenever you can find a dish that you need 10 feet of celery in so so definitely definitely practice with the vegetable you're comfortable with and and you'll definitely start to pick up speed.