Knowledge Base > Barton Seaver - Sausage. Saucisson. Salchicha. Salsiccia.

Sausage. Saucisson. Salchicha. Salsiccia.

Barton Seaver - Sausage. Saucisson. Salchicha. Salsiccia.

This event was on Tuesday, July 19, 2022 at 11:00 am Pacific, 2:00 pm Eastern

Join Chef Barton Seaver to explore the ancient art of sausage and the variety of global flavors of sausages.

Barton will not only discuss ways to make sausage and its history in … Read More.



How do you store the sausage? Can they be frozen?

— Catherine McIver


Absolutely, they can be frozen. In fact, my freezer is completely full of Frozen sausage right now. Why because we made 85 pounds last week. Certainly, if you're making a batch of sausage, it's it's enough of a process that trying to make for trying to make one pound of sausage is a little bit ridiculous to be perfectly honest. Because it's just a lot of process and quite often quite honestly, there's enough waste of little bits of product. They'll get left inside this casing inside the canister Etc that it's worth it to make a big batch to make it your own batch to flavor it really well. And then freeze what you don't need to know that you've got some great quality product in there so they can certainly store and be frozen fresh sausage. It doesn't last very long in the fridge fresh. The reason why is that you've taken perfectly good fresh pork? Let's just say and you've created so much surface area by grinding it that you've created so much opportunity for bacteria to thrive. You know, if you have a full piece of pork, there's no bacteria on the inside. It's on the outside. But if you take that piece of pork and grind it up, you have exponentially increased the surface area the oxygen available Etc. It's going to go bad pretty quickly. Also, you've got the fat in there that can go rancid. So yeah, make your sausage fresh use it up quickly two to three days. I'd say Max or freeze it up and one thing that I forgot to mention in the process of the sausage making is after you've ground your sausage. But before you go to stuff it if you are stuffing it make a little test Patty and just saute it up. Does it taste good to you? Does it have enough salt? Does it have enough of the things you want it to have in it, right? Taste it before you stuff it because if you end up going through all the effort to stuff the sausage and then you taste it and you don't like it when you got to go back a whole step. It's easy enough just to make it two-ounce patio of it. Taste it cool. I mean, it'll keep you motivated in the whole process anyway, so there you go. All right.
Barton Seaver

Barton Seaver

Chef, Educator, Author