Knowledge Base > Eric Wynkoop - Ask Me Anything (Office Hours)

Eric Wynkoop - Ask Me Anything (Office Hours)
This event was on
Tuesday, November 26, 2024 at 11:00 am Pacific, 2:00 pm Eastern
Join Chef Eric Wynkoop in his virtual office as he welcomes all of your questions. This event was created for you and we encourage you to Ask Anything – from cooking techniques to co… Read More.

Vegan Butter seems to violate the idea of not using oils - since there is a lot of oil in it. It seems like butter would actually be healthier - should I consider using butter vs. vegan butter?
— Michael Baun
You know, a lot of folks that, that I've come across over the years do opt for butter, uh, in its original dairy based form for its flavor. Uh, you know, as, as much as anything else, as much as any other concerns. And I, you know, this becomes a, a, a personal issue, uh, Michael, and one that I encourage you to dig a little bit deeper in to determine, uh, you know, if you have particular health concerns and if animal products are really at the, at the source of that, or if maybe it's fat, uh, additional fat in your diet, generally, in which case you might wanna avoid both of these categories of products. Um, or if you wanna focus on flavor, ultimate flavor, uh, then maybe you consider butter once in a while over the vegan counterpart. But, uh, it just depends on what your, uh, what your concern is at, at the core and what issue that you need to address. But I think that, um, you know, either, either path can be fine if you have that flexibility.