Knowledge Base > Char Nolan - Ask Me Anything (Office Hours)

Char Nolan - Ask Me Anything (Office Hours)
This event was on
Tuesday, December 03, 2024 at 11:00 am Pacific, 2:00 pm Eastern
Join Chef Char Nolan in her virtual office as she welcomes all of your questions. This event was created for you and we encourage you to ask anything – from cooking techniques to cou… Read More.

For vegan butter lovers (guilty) what would be a great alternative if any? I like vegan butter on my garlic bread, popcorn and polenta…
— Toni Crawford
So I'm gonna like, uh, answer this question one way and then I'll give you the idea. Garlic bread that everyone loves. You know, we hear, we hear people saying how much they love garlic bread. All you really need to do to make good garlic bread is to first toast your bread in the oven and then take a clove of garlic peeled and rub it right onto the, uh, bread and it will taste delicious. When I make garlic bread these days, I will use hummus and spread it on ever so thinly stick it in the oven and, uh, then put some before that I've got the garlic and then the hummus. If I were going to use a butter, I'm going to go back to KO's. Um, it's one that I hear many of my friends use and love and appreciate. And you can either get it, I believe it comes in a package of two little bars. Um, I would also make sure that you read the ingredients, but I think I'm gonna go with Kos on that one. And, um, nutritional yeast is very good on popcorn, but I understand, you know, I say this wherever you are, enjoy health, enjoy what you like to do.