Knowledge Base > Fran Costigan - Exploring Ingredient Substitutions

Fran Costigan - Exploring Ingredient Substitutions
This event was on
Tuesday, December 17, 2024 at 1:00 pm Pacific, 4:00 pm Eastern
One of the most frequent questions we get at Rouxbe is “what can I swap for X ingredient?” For example, How do arrowroot, corn, and tapioca compare? Are all these starches are a 1:1 … Read More.

Would you consider addressing not just gluten intolerance, but also Fructose intolerance too? A balanced diet is challenging.
— Elizabeth LaPorte
So let's talk about what is fructose is a sugar that's found naturally in all fruits, some vegetables and honey and sweeteners. Table sugar, white sugar is called sucrose, but it also has fructose in it. I'm guessing that most of you don't use high fructose sweetener. That's in a lot of processed foods and we're trying to stay away from processed foods, but it can really give you awful, um, digestive upset, that's for sure. So you wanna limit high fructose foods and some of them include apples, pears, watermelon, asparagus and peas. Some people can tolerate those foods if you eat them in small amounts with meals, the following ones, grapes, blueberries, strawberries, carrots, green beans and lettuce. You don't wanna use agave syrup, fructose honey or inverted sugar. Um, maple flavored syrup, I would never use that. I'd use real maple molasses. This the list that I found said Palmer Coconut Sugar and sorghum, which was curious to me because sorghum is a cereal grass and it's generally accepted, uh, for people who have upsets with other kind of sugar. So Elizabeth, what you really wanna do, and I'm I'm sure that you know this, you have to be a detective and you have to really, really, really look at ingredient labels for one thing because there is a lot of hidden stuff, but you can find it if you really look. And the other thing is try a little bit on the okay list and not by itself with some other food and see how you feel.