Knowledge Base > Fran Costigan - Exploring Ingredient Substitutions

Fran Costigan - Exploring Ingredient Substitutions
This event was on
Tuesday, December 17, 2024 at 1:00 pm Pacific, 4:00 pm Eastern
One of the most frequent questions we get at Rouxbe is “what can I swap for X ingredient?” For example, How do arrowroot, corn, and tapioca compare? Are all these starches are a 1:1 … Read More.

If the purpose of kneading bread is to help activate the gluten, what is the purpose of kneading gluten free bread?
— Cathy Chapman
I have really never seen a recipe calling for needing gluten-free bread. It doesn't make any, but clearly you have, it doesn't make any sense to me because there is no gluten per se. Um, I think if you're seeing a recipe that's calling for gluten-free bread, what they're really saying is work the dough until it's nice and smooth, because many gluten-free dough are, they don't adhere very well. They're not, they're more difficult to mix. Um, so that's, that's what I think the answer is. You're not really needing it. You're mixing it, mixing it really, really well. You know, if you're, if you need a gluten-free bread dough long enough, even though there is no gluten and gluten-free bread or gluten-free flowers, you will activate something. So that's what I would say. I think it's really more about mixing the dough really, really well until it's nice and smooth.