Knowledge Base > Deb Kennedy, PhD - Maximizing Flavor

Deb Kennedy, PhD - Maximizing Flavor
This event was on
Thursday, January 02, 2025 at 11:00 am Pacific, 2:00 pm Eastern
Unlock the secrets to making healthy food truly crave-worthy in the enlightening talk. Join Dr Deb for this live event where she will discuss how to use culinary techniques to elevat… Read More.

What are your favorite spice staples for veggies and pasta dishes?
— Donita Andrews
It depends where in the world I wanna go with it. So usually when I'm doing a pasta dish, I'm gonna grab some Italian spices. So I once had this, um, individual from straight from Italy, and this is when I was in college. And you don't have a lot of money. You don't have a lot of ingredients. And let me tell you, this person took some olive oil and he took four dried spices. I'm gonna try and remember 'em. Mint was one of them, which surprised me. Oregano, um, and two others, but you could just throw whichever other one's in there. So definitely garlic, but there was another green one in there, maybe it was parsley. And he just added that to cooked pasta. And it was the best pasta dish I've ever had in my life. So if you wanna add something a little spicy, I might add some red, crushed red pepper flakes. If I wanna bring out that spiciness to it. Again, getting to know what type of palette that you are. Um, the person that you're working with has what really draws to them. Do they like spicier foods or not, not spicier foods. Do they like, do they prefer Mexican flavors versus Italian flavors? And you just wanna play off of that. So for me, you're asking me, I mostly what I resort to is fennel seeds, oregano, turmeric, curry, that would be on the vegetables, not the pasta. And garlic are the ones I go to most often and thyme. But it, but that's, those are my basics. And then I add other things on for, for an enhancement.