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Ask Me Anything (Office Hours)

Eric Wynkoop - Ask Me Anything (Office Hours)

This event was on Tuesday, January 07, 2025 at 11:00 am Pacific, 2:00 pm Eastern

Join Chef Eric Wynkoop in his virtual office as he welcomes all of your questions. This event was created for you and we encourage you to Ask Anything – from cooking techniques to co… Read More.



One bottle of extra virgin olive oil says “robust” and the other bottle says “smooth.” Is there any difference between these two?

— Annette Barnhart Quiles


enerally speaking, I'll say that olive oils come in many different styles in terms of what you experience on the pal. And it's gonna be based upon the type of olive that's used or the blend of olives that are used, um, as well as the maturity, uh, of the olives and, uh, the place of origin. You know, the, the terroir, right? The, the soil and all those, those, those climatic conditions that affect the, the flavors, uh, in the developing fruit and all of that. It's gonna be translated to the oil. So, you know, for a robust oil, yeah, I can, I can definitely imagine, um, uh, because there are certainly under other brands, uh, uh, oils that are very, um, peppery on their finish with a, the, with a little peppery burn. In other words, um, some are very grassy in a sort of an under ripe sort of way. Uh, others are a little, maybe buttery, you might say, they're very smooth on the palate without any prickly sensations in the throat. Um, and, uh, so I could definitely see that the, the PO brand also would offer different styles of olive oil. And, uh, Annette, I would suggest that you pick up a bottle of each one, and then just give them a, a try side by side, uh, so you understand the similarities and the differences, and then try those on different foods to see how you like those interactions. That's a, a great way to get to know, uh, these different food categories is, is to do these side-by-side comparisons.
Eric Wynkoop

Eric Wynkoop

Director of Culinary Instruction