Knowledge Base > Char Nolan & Cathy Katin-Grazzini - Chef vs Chef

Char Nolan & Cathy Katin-Grazzini - Chef vs Chef
This event was on
Tuesday, January 21, 2025 at 11:00 am Pacific, 2:00 pm Eastern
Join Chef Char Nolan and her special guest, author and Rouxbe grad, Cathy Katin-Grazzini the author of Love the Foods that Love the Planet, Recipes to Cool the Climate and Excite the… Read More.

Any tips for storing onions & potatoes out of the fridge, masking the onion odor, & dealing with runaway onion skins?
— Victoria Mulligan
Uh, if you're whole food plant-based, you go through a lot of onions. Uh, if I buy a little mesh bag, they're gone by the end of the week. Uh, IJ just keep them, uh, out here. And if you're worried about the runaway skins, take them off, put them in your freezer, you can use them to make stock. They'll add some color, and, uh, I don't ever smell them. You only smell them when you cut them, and then they aromas sort of waves through the air. Um, let's see. Do you have anything to add to that, Kathy? Nope. Nope. I, you know, I, uh, I mean, there are lots of ways to store onions and we go through them, but mostly, you know, just buy what you think you can use. So, uh, sometimes, you know, it depends what your cooking habits are and what your time constraints are. Don't, you know, in any given week, uh, just plan things so that you don't have, uh, too much that can, uh, in lead to, uh, you know, that the, the onions would suffer, or any produce would suffer, and then it could lead to waste. So you wanna just manage your, your time and your, your cooking and shopping needs. I think those are, those are good. And I have to say that sometimes it's, uh, I'm often tempted when I go to a, a produce outlet where you can get like 5,000 pounds of onions for a very cheap price. It might not end up being that economical in the long run, if you're not going to use them or pre prep them and then store them in the freezer or a container or wherever.