Knowledge Base > Char Nolan & Cathy Katin-Grazzini - Chef vs Chef

Char Nolan & Cathy Katin-Grazzini - Chef vs Chef
This event was on
Tuesday, January 21, 2025 at 11:00 am Pacific, 2:00 pm Eastern
Join Chef Char Nolan and her special guest, author and Rouxbe grad, Cathy Katin-Grazzini the author of Love the Foods that Love the Planet, Recipes to Cool the Climate and Excite the… Read More.

For a cook book is there a work around if you have some of your recipes photos but some you don’t. My husband is who’s also a photographer suggested I just cook those meals that need to be photographed.?
— Toni Crawford
Geez, you know, uh, we didn't really have a chance to really talk about publishing, uh, too much, but really depends if you're interested in, in doing a cookbook. So many cookbooks are so visual right now because people really eat with their eyes and sometimes people buy cookbooks just for the photographs, you know, I don't even know if they cook the dishes, the dishes half the time. Um, but so I would encourage you to just, you know, photograph away, get your, you know, entice your husband with some tasty meals because it might help you attract a, an agent and ultimately a publisher. But of course not every cookbook has a million, uh, photographs. So, you know, there are differences. Plenty of them don't. So, um, you know, uh, it's certainly less expensive for a publisher to publish without the photography, uh, for every recipe. So, you know, you might be able to succeed that way too. There's probably no single answer to that question. I don't think there is a single answer. And I will say that I have purchased many books thinking, oh my gosh, look at these photos, and then at the end read that they're stock photos from a certain place, and that the book that I'm speaking of, uh, was wildly popular. So I think it all depends on wow, your budget and everything else.