Knowledge Base > Char Nolan & Cathy Katin-Grazzini - Chef vs Chef

Char Nolan & Cathy Katin-Grazzini - Chef vs Chef
This event was on
Tuesday, January 21, 2025 at 11:00 am Pacific, 2:00 pm Eastern
Join Chef Char Nolan and her special guest, author and Rouxbe grad, Cathy Katin-Grazzini the author of Love the Foods that Love the Planet, Recipes to Cool the Climate and Excite the… Read More.

Where does one find liners for sheet pans? I can't find anything other than parchment and I'd like to find something more permanent.
— Jennifer Kraemer
So let me give you my spin on this. First of all, you should be using Brown parchment paper and not the bleached parchment paper. Uh, bleach parchment paper is a little bit better, and, uh, if you've ever spent a day in the kitchen with Anne Selten, she uses her parchment paper twice, she'll flip it over and, uh, use it another time. So you can use it twice. You might want to look into, um, using silicone sheet pan covers. Uh, they last forever. Uh, you can find them, uh, William Sonoma. You can find them at any cooking store, SWIR, laab, et cetera, et cetera. And oftentimes you can find them online at certain places. So those would be my suggestions, uh, or looking into a good sheet pan like the caraway that do not require any lining whatsoever. Kath, what Say you about that? Boy, I couldn't have said it any better. I, I used to use quite a bit of parchment paper. Now I almost entirely, uh, rely on silicon sheets, um, which I have accumulated over the, they work just as well, and they are the most environmentally friendly thing because you can use them over and over. Mm-hmm. I think the only place for Parchment that I turned to now is when I make a parchment bag. Um, I just cook fennel yesterday in, in a parchment bag, and there, you know, you have to staple it closed and so forth, so you have no choice but to use paper. But I've, I've, uh, I hardly ever do it anymore, only, only for that purpose, really.