Knowledge Base > Barton Seaver - Sausage. Saucisson. Salchicha. Salsiccia.

Barton Seaver - Sausage. Saucisson. Salchicha. Salsiccia.
This event was on
Tuesday, July 19, 2022 at 11:00 am Pacific, 2:00 pm Eastern
Join Chef Barton Seaver to explore the ancient art of sausage and the variety of global flavors of sausages.
Barton will not only discuss ways to make sausage and its history in … Read More.

My nephew is a hunter and makes amazing sausage. Thanks to a tick bite he is allergic to pork - what fat would be best to use rather than pork?
— Star Pelsue
I don't forgive me. I can't remember the name of
the of the techborn illness that that's that but
I believed I I'm not sure it
would be just the pork that he would be allergic to but rather I think
the I thought that that was about that. You
became allergic to the blood of mammals.
And so it would be more the venison that would
be the problem than necessarily the pork fat. So maybe maybe
the whole
category might be might be off for you
there. I don't know. We've just recently begun to
have some cases of that.
Disease born by the Texas brown ticks up
here in Maine and the name
of this escaping me, but wow, it's it's a very unfortunate. I'm
sorry to hear this.
other fats that work like pork
They're not many.
They can't really think of any you could butter even
Frozen butter would would liquefy
too quickly in the process, but would
sort of work on a similar.
fundamentally work on a similar in a
similar way beef fat
and I might work. It has a much lower solidification point
So the the Tallow it just doesn't have that same
mouth feel to it. It gets dry and crumbly and in the
mouth and sort of palette coating as pork
fat melts just melts better
in the in the eating experience. So