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Dan Marek - Ask Me Anything (Office Hours)
This event was on
Tuesday, November 22, 2022 at 11:00 am Pacific, 2:00 pm Eastern
Join Chef Dan Marek in his virtual office as he welcomes all of your questions. This event was created for you and we encourage you to Ask Anything – from cooking techniques to cours… Read More.

Would you please talk a little bit about cutting boards. What matierals are best for them to be made of and care/cleaning for food safety.?
— Theresa Homan
So yeah, I actually, you know use a variety of different kinds of cutting boards. I use wood cutting boards and plastic cutting boards. Now. I kind of use them for different uses as well like for you know anything that I'm going to be doing in front of people or if I'm going to be you know, plating something in a cutting board. I'm typically always going to use a wooden cutting board something that just looks really nice having that nice wooden cutting board. Now if you you don't mention here if you do eat meats or not, but if you do I typically would stay closer to the plastic cutting boards just because they're much easier to clean and be able to get any contaminants out of it that you might so if you're cooking something like chicken having raw chicken and a cutting board, you definitely don't want to have something like that on a wooden cutting where Joe is going to be using a plastic cutting board. The same goes for most animal products. If you're using any kind of animal products typically use those on a plastic cutting board versus a wooden one. Now wooden cutting boards are you know, they're great, but they also tend to you know, get scraped up a little bit easier than the plastic ones and no matter what once you start getting kind of grooves in your plastic or your wooden cutting boards. It's definitely time to replace those. So keep that in mind just for contamination wise if you're it's something that could you know, as far as any kind of food safety if you have any concerns about that use the plastic ones, If you're if you're just going 100% plant-based wooden ones are actually quite nice. I typically use mostly wooden cutting boards myself, but on occasion, we'll bring up plastic ones just because they're super easy to clean as well and a lot of times you can put those ones in the dishwasher or a wooden one. You can't because it would actually start to fall apart. On cleaning those again just hot soapy water is great for both of them. You don't want it to be too hot for the wooden one wooden ones because you don't want the glue or binding to be able to melt them those two. I hope that helps Teresa. I don't have a specific brand to be able to give you you know, but, you know just look for high rated reviews or if you're looking for a wooden one. I always like to go to the maker themselves to be able to buy one.