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Dan Marek - Ask Me Anything (Office Hours)
This event was on
Tuesday, November 22, 2022 at 11:00 am Pacific, 2:00 pm Eastern
Join Chef Dan Marek in his virtual office as he welcomes all of your questions. This event was created for you and we encourage you to Ask Anything – from cooking techniques to cours… Read More.

When prepping onions/garlic ahead, what is the best way to store them? Is freezing okay?
— Sheree Hemphill
Okay, you totally can freeze them, you know the the trick to that is you have to make sure that it freezes quickly. So, you know, if if you're prepping your onions and garlic, you also want to make sure that they're separated out a little bit. So you want to put them on a sheet pan and spread them out. And typically if I'm going to freeze something like onions or garlic. I'm going to freeze the sheet pan first put the onions on it and then put the onions immediately in the freezer to make sure that they freeze as quickly as possible because right then the sheet pan is Frozen as well. So it freezes much much faster than it would without those. And then after they're frozen I'm going to scrape them and put them into like a hair tight container. That way we're able to come apart really easy and they're all not just stuck in one, you know big form. It's not often that I do that but that will work, you know, as far as storing them. I'll typically you know, chop them up and put them into a small, you know glass container to be able to use I don't really prep them too far in advance, you know at the most maybe two days. I'm going to store them in the fridge. And it's pretty rare that I do that usually if I'm doing that it's for pretty big meals. Like, you know, if I'm doing a big catering event or if I'm doing a holiday meal or something like that. I might, you know dice, you know a couple onions ahead of time so I can just throw them in a different dishes really easily. I'll store them in that sealed glass container in the fridge because it will get pretty stinky in there too. But freezing them. Yeah that technique that I told you about putting on my sheet pan works really. Well. I do like that because you can actually just grab them on a container the freezer and just use them the same way you wouldn't any other dish like I've done them caramelized the same time too, or I'll freeze the caramelized onions, too.