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Dan Marek - Ask Me Anything (Office Hours)
This event was on
Tuesday, February 28, 2023 at 11:00 am Pacific, 2:00 pm Eastern
Join Chef Dan Marek in his virtual office as he welcomes all of your questions. This event was created for you and we encourage you to Ask Anything – from cooking techniques to cours… Read More.

Folks may like to know how to make homemade veggie stock with all the remnants of the veggies we use--the leftover pieces and skins of onions and garlic, celery leaves, carrot skins, etc. I save mine in the freezer until I have a full bag. ?
I do the exact same thing. In fact, I've done that on a couple Live Events here to show people how to do it. So that's a great recommendation yvon. So making a vegetable stock. I typically don't buy vegetable stock. I will save all the remnants from my my vegetables as I'm cooking them. So my onions. I actually don't use the skins of garlic typically, but I will use onions just because they're so aromatic under the onions. I'll do celery like the big kind of root ball and the leaves off of top the carrot skins. I'll do potato skins sometimes too mushroom stems from like the you know, like just when you cut the mushroom stems off of them, I'll save those the red pepper core as well. I'll use all of those things and put those into a big ziplock bag or something like that and then keep them the freezer and then I just keep adding to that until that bag is full. And once that bag becomes full then I just dump the whole thing into a big stock pot stock pot and then fill it up just past the where all the ingredients are and then bring that to a boil and down to a simmer and I typically simmer mine for like 45 minutes. I get a nice deep rich brown color out of it, which is great and then I will put it through a strainer to strain out all the other stuff into big mason jars or whatever I've got and you got a great stop that you it's no fat. There's no salt in it and you made it from for free from leftover ingredients. So, I mean I use that trick constantly every single week. I never have to buy a stock because of it and it's a great way to be able to use all of this grapes that typically just go right on the garbage your compost and once they're broken down like that. It's still compost even quicker even in fact, my my dog loves to eat all the the carrots and stuff the carrot skins and stuff like that after I've been cooking them too. So a lot of times put those into his dog food. He loves it. It's great.