Lessons > How to Make Pan Sauce

★★★★★ (65)

24,697 Students
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Lesson Overview

Pan sauces are à la minute sauces made in the same pan in which ingredients, especially meats, have been sautéed, seared or pan-fried. Wise cooks know that the tasty brown bits, also known as sucs, that are left on the bottom of a pan, are as good as gold. By learning how to take advantage of the…

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Lesson Objectives

At the end of this lesson you'll be able to:
  • explain what sucs are and why they are important to a pan sauce
  • understand how to develop sucs properly
  • understand how to build flavors in a pan sauce
  • understand the proper deglazing technique
  • determine how far to reduce a pan sauce
  • know how to enrich and finish a pan sauce

Course Syllabus

START: Watch Lesson Platform Tour
1. Introduction: How to Make Pan Sauce
Not Started
2. Complete Your Self Assessment
Not Started
3. Developing the Sucs for Pan Sauces
Not Started
4. Adding Mirepoix to Pan Sauces
Not Started
5. Deglazing Pan Sauces
Not Started
6. Adding & Reducing Stock for Pan Sauces
Not Started
7. Enriching Pan Sauces
Not Started
8. Finishing Touches for Pan Sauces
Not Started
9. Practice Activity
Not Started
10. Practice Activities & Recipes
Not Started
11. Lesson Quiz
Not Started

Practice Recipes

A few of the practice recipes you'll learn in this lesson.

What People Are Saying

"Great lesson, and the nest part is it gives you a lot of room to create and gives you the main rules to follow. The water test and oil test will put you in elite company already. Would like to see the wooden spatula test explained just a bit further since my sauce appeared to pass, but came out pretty thin." ★★★★★
"This has helped make cooking meat in a pan substantially more interesting then just serving the food as is." ★★★★★
"I found this lesson informative, enabling me with greater confidence to handle such tasks in the kitchen in a proper fashion, which will yield better results all-around in the future." ★★★★★
"VERY helpful. Really prior to this lesson, I had no idea how to make a proper sauce. I had the temperature too low so didn't make sucs, I used flour to thicken the sauce and used supermarket stock! At the time, I thought they tasted OK but now I know better and the results are FAR superior! THANKS" ★★★★★
"Fantastic lesson! My skills in the kitchen increased 10 fold after this lesson alone!" ★★★★★
"Wish there were more variations on ingredients that were presented, especially liquids that don't contain alcohol." ★★★
"This lesson just like everything about Rouxbe online school is FABULOUS! i have learned so much and wish i could learn all you have to offer, but finances keeps that from happening. i won the 2 month free subscription and am taking full advantage of all your knowledge. THANK YOU SO MUCH!" ★★★★★
"Most enjoyable! Learned alot! Thank you Rouxbe! -Violet" ★★★★★
"This was my favorite lesson of all so far and one that has already made significant improvements on my cooking." ★★★★★
"It filled in what I didn't know!" ★★★★★
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23 Videos | 11 Tasks
Task 1: Introduction: How to Make Pan Sauce
Task 2: Complete Your Self Assessment
Task 3: Developing the Sucs for Pan Sauces
Task 4: Adding Mirepoix to Pan Sauces
Task 5: Deglazing Pan Sauces
Task 6: Adding & Reducing Stock for Pan Sauces
Task 7: Enriching Pan Sauces
Task 8: Finishing Touches for Pan Sauces

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