Recipes > Fried Leeks

Golden fried leeks make a delicious and crispy garnish.
Dawn Thomas
- Serves: 1 cup
- Active Time: 15 mins
- Total Time: 15 mins
- Views: 141,364
- Success Rating: 100% (?)
Place the oil into a small fry pan or pot and heat over medium heat. Once the oil approximately 300ºF (or 150ºC), fry the leeks.
Using a slotted spoon, lower the leeks into the oil. Fry them for about 1 to 2 minutes or so, just until they turn golden. Be careful of any splattering oil. Transfer to a plate lined with paper towel to drain.
Fried leeks make a beautiful garnish atop of many dishes and soups. Store in an airtight container for up to 2 days.
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