Courses > Egg Basics

Course Overview
Eggs are one of the most versatile foods on earth and a popular breakfast item in many cultures. Cooking eggs properly can make all the difference to flavor and the speed of your breakfast preparation time. Egg cookery skills are not difficult to master but once you get the hang of them, you wil…
Click to expand...Course Objectives
- Identify the anatomy of the egg
- Learn to correctly boil and scramble
- Learn to fry, baste and poach an egg
- Learn how and why to steam an egg
- Learn the basics of making an omelet
- Learn the basics of making a frittata and practice a variety of recipes
Course Syllabus
Egg Basics
In the course, you will learn a variety of ways to properly cook eggs from steaming to scrambling and basting to poaching. You will learn the anatomy of the egg, and the proper way to make delicious frittatas and omelets.
Lesson 1
Course Orientation
Welcome to the Rouxbe Cooking School! This course will help you understand why knife techniques are critical for skilled cooking, establish your knowledge baseline and learn how you will take your knife skills to the next level.
Lesson 2
Eggs | Anatomy, Boiling & Scrambling
This lesson reviews the anatomy of an egg and looks at how to boil and scramble.
Lesson 3
Eggs | Frying, Basting & Poaching
This lesson introduces you to the techniques of frying, basting and poaching eggs.
Lesson 4
How to Make an Omelet
This lesson takes you through the correct steps for making a delicious omelet.
Lesson 5
How to Make a Frittata
This lesson shows you how to make a perfect frittata.
Lesson 6
How to Steam Eggs
The cooking technique of how to steam eggs is discussed in this lesson.
Lesson 7
Course Review
Student Work
This is a collage photo of my in-kitchen pantry and my back-up pantry. I keep extra supplies in the back-up pantry of those stock i... View More